The Barefoot Movement Podcast
The barefoot movement podcast is dedicated to empowering you, to take control of your body, helping to support yourself naturally from the ground up. Join Paul Thompson – The Barefoot Podiatrist fortnightly as he explores through his and his guests expertise and experiences , how you too can live a Barefoot Lifestyle to reduce pain and improve performance. Build a body that supports you, not a body that relies on support!
The Barefoot Movement Podcast
BFM 41: Galahad Clark and Ben Le Vesconte
In this episode Paul, The Barefoot Podiatrist chats with Vivobarefoot CEO, Galahad Clark and Vivobarefoot educator Ben Le Vesconte.
You will hear how Seventh generation cobbler from the Clark shoe family got involved with a barefoot shoe brand and how vivobarefoot and the early Clarks brand share many similarities.
You will also hear about the direction of vivobarefoot footwear and education, as well as discussions about current barefoot research and the barefoot industry.
For more information on Vivobarefoot shoes check out www.vivobarefoot.com
For a consult with Paul be sure to book online at www.thebarefootmovement.com.au
The post BFM 41: Galahad Clark and Ben Le Vesconte appeared first on The Wellness Couch.